Article Ko Search Engine Me Rank Karane Ke Liye Kya Kare

Traffic is a headache for new bloggers. Everyone thinks why traffic is not coming to their website. If you are a blogger then you must think that whatever articles you wrote in the top of the google search engine, but one thing you should know if you want to make a career in blogging, there is no such shortcut method. You can bring your article to the top in google.

I have seen so many people that they try to get their article top in google with the help of black hat seo, although their article looks at the top in google but this result does not always remain for long article loses its ranking from google and it has a very bad effect on our website black hat seo can also panalize your website.

You will be seen a lot of websites whose every article ranks in google and we ask you something like this, that they will do that, but what will get the result. Nothing today, I ask you to tell people all the secret Am

Some important tips for getting the article to top in the Google search engine.

Content This King High Quality Content
Content is the only way we help attract our audiance, which makes google much more liked. If you write content for search engine, then you should also pay attention to your search engine optimization as well as help for people.

Any search engine likes our organic content very much, so it's because your content is written without any copyright, because the search engine finds out who has written this paragraph first and then you easily get caught and your Copyright takes a strick on the site. Remember one thing you can never rank copyright content.

Decorating Article

First of all, you have to understand that what the article decoration is, I give you an example and explain it. Let me ask you a question and you know it's a thing but it is confusing in this matter, explain to you how to To make the article beautiful by decorating it is that if someone reads your article, then they should not understand it and be bored.

To rank your content in google, you can search keywords, headlines, paragraph, tags, images, etc. By decore properly, your visitors will have to show up by doing this when Google reads your content, it will easily know which keyword you have targeted. You write your main keyword in bold or italic.


The way you need quality content to get a rank on google, cross your account until your content is long, your content will not rank well on google. That's why you have to pay more attention to the lenght of your content. The length of content does not mean that any content in the article is inserted.

Customizing Your Sidebar Slog Desigin:

The reader enjoys the blog look good, it reads the search engine also gives the simple blog a higher rank. If the page speed is good, the bounce rate is also the Improv. The advantage of all this is to bring the blog to the top of the search engine.

You are giving some necessary tips that you can follow.

Keep the sidebar as small as possible
Make every single image of your blog SEO friendly and use its ALT tags.
Remove sidebar extracts wedget / plugin.
Keep the sidebar clean and fresh as usual.
Sidebar should use at least image and wedget.
High Quality Backlinks Banaye:
High quality backlinks play a lot of impact roles in ranking your blog content, you just have to make backlinks in the off page seo.

High-quality backlinks are made by Mtlab

high quality backlinks mean that your blog link has been linked to a website whose domain authority, page rank, etc. Things are high. Take care of one thing, the website which has domain authority, page rank is higher, we call it high authority website.

Some Important Tips for Successful Tips
Great comment on High authority blog / website

Share your content at Top Social Networking site.

Make your account like quora and yahoo answer and at fourm

Submit your blog to the top social bookmarking site.

Ask your friends bloggers to give their blog link on their blog.

Publish your content on the Papular Article Directory.

You will have to pay attention to one thing while creating a backlink and that you do not make a backlink and spam it. Very often it happens that we get an auto-approval site where there is already a lot of links, then there is a link Make the mean to avoid making such a scarcity and focus on quality backlinks.

Social Site Par Article (Social Signal Banaye):

With the help of Social Site, we can create backlinks with lots of traffic as well. Remember to bring the article to the top, how many social signals are there on your link, it is also importable.

But there are many people who share a link with a lot of friends on their facebook account to get a more social signal, which results in the fact that their link gets blocked and gets the posts to take. Remember you do not share one link with one account repeatedly.

You will have to do some optimization to share your article on social site whose information we are giving below.

Properly, you should configure the Meta tags of your business page.
You should use High quality images in our post thumbnails.
When you go to promote a post, use separate Meta description for that.
In the post to your visitor said that if they like this post, then share it.
Advertise the stock widget in your site.
Share your articles on any of your social pages.

Final Words?

Here I have given you some important tips for lining up the article at the top but do you know there are more than 200 ranking factors of google. But if you have to rank your website then you will have to take full care of on page and off page seo together also keep in mind that if you do not overcustomize your article, it will make a difference to your article's ranking. .